doco gmbh
make work work
docoLAB - start & learn
Start a docoLAB 3-Step process. Study your current state to identify challenges and opportunities.
Assess and select appropriate methods and strategies to accomplish your mission.
Apply and improve to reach a next level of performance and customer satisfaction.
Implement changes, systems, roles and new or improved skills to sustain improvements.

success happens
docoLAB - 3 Step approach

docoLAB is a complete improvement process. Offered and facilitated by doco dominguez.
The process start's with the initial briefing and is closed with a sustainment review.
An improvement initiative consists of one ore more improvement events (Kaizen) and reviews, until changes and improvements are implemented as agreed.

Assessment of purpose, processes and identification of the opportunity statement. This is the define/planning phase of the program, in order to install the Initiative and the Team for success.
Take advantage of the docoLAB assessment process and tools.

Run a docoLAB event in your organisation. Improve your process or area of change with your team, facillitated by us. Implement changes and improve a real process during the docoLAB live Phase.
Establish systems and processes to monitor and control your new level of excellence.

Control and adjust your processes in order to sustain improvements. Discover gaps and apply countermeasuers to ensure new gains will sustain. Train the organisation and drive continious learning for reaching new levels.
Take advantage of our offer to coach and train you or any in your organisation.

When combined, all phases build the ideal process for the successful improvement of your Business System.